Tag Archives | What are the catalysts for the Hybrid Cloud?

EMC #HybridCloud Twitter Chat – ‘What are the catalysts for the Hybrid Cloud?’

I was delighted to work with EMC again as a featured panelist on their second #HybridCloud Twitter chat entitled, “What are the catalysts for the Hybrid Cloud?”
Following hot on the heels of the first very successful Hybrid Cloud Chat in March, we were delighted to double our reach on this chat to 2.1 million, which is a great achievement. hybridcloudchat190115

You can read a Storify write-up of the event including some fantastic illustrations here and read the entire chat via Crowdchat here.

EMC pre-event info: In our upcoming #HybridCloudChat Twitter chat, an expert panel from EMC of Suhela Dighe, Hans Timmerman and Dinko Eror with industry expert Christian McMahon (@ChristianMcM) will discuss Hybrid Cloud. Join the conversation on May 19 at 12 p.m. GMT on Twitter using the hashtag #HybridCloudChat