Author Archive | Christian

Joining the Gambling Commissions Digital Advisory Panel

I’m delighted to join the Gambling Commissions Digital Advisory Panel and look forward to working with the team.

The Gambling Commission regulates the gambling industry in Great Britain, including the National Lottery. The Digital Panel advises the Gambling Commission’s Board and Executive Group on the digital landscape and emerging trends which may impact on how the gambling market operates, how the Commission interact with operators and how operators interact with consumers.


Rise of the Interim Podcast

Rise of the InterimI really enjoyed working with Pat Lynes, Jill Lucas, Emmet Townsend and Mark Chillingworth and his company Horizon Business Media on the ‘Rise of the Interim’ podcast.

You can listen to the podcast here

Mark hosts a series of podcasts called the, ‘CIO Podcast’ – more info here.




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I’ve co-authored a book – CIO 2.0 : Stories From the Frontline #1

I am delighted to share that along with some very talented CIO peers I’ve co-authored a book – CIO 20 : CIO Stories From the Frontline #1.

It’s at a special low launch price on Amazon and all proceeds go to charity.CIO 20

Your support is most gratefully received – you can buy the book through the following link 

UPDATE: We are now a #1 Bestseller in Information Technology globally, #2 in Management & Leadership & #8 in Leadership – an amazing achievement!

CIO 2.0 is a leading movement of business leaders with a technology focus pioneering the future of the CIO role –

In this book 16 high achieving CIOs share their highest-value thinking on career transitioning, business transformation and technology leadership and closing the capability gap.

Organised into several key themes, contributors include:

TRANSITIONS Christian McMahon
TRANSFORMATION David Knowles, Steve Homan, Chris Lord, James Mottram, Tony Walters, Peter Blower
GLOBAL Kevin Robins
CAREER PATH Ken Towning, Paul Hobbs, Malcolm Lambell, Chris Michael
CHALLENGES Yiannis Levantis, Heena Prajapat, Pat Lynes, Abby Ewen

CIO 2.0 is an initiative of Pat Lynes and Christian McMahon of Sullivan & Stanley – The Change Society.


Top 79 Chief Technology Officers

I am delighted to be included at #24 on Tenfolds Top 79 global Chief Technology Officers and in such esteemed company – thank you Tenfold

Please click here to see the full list.


Some more detail about how Tenfold compile the list:

Top 79 Chief Technology Officers

Featuring the brightest and most innovative Chief Technology Officers today.
Our content team spent an entire month to create the list. We used a metric called True Reach, devised by Klear, to determine on average, how many people view a single post across all social media platforms. While that was our guiding metric, we also included overall influencer rating, total audience size, and engagement score, to paint a full picture of each of our influencers. We hope you find this document useful, and take heed to some of the messages that our influencers have taken to heart themselves.

Chief Technology Officers


Planet Compliance Top 50 RegTech Influencers

RegTech Top 50 InfluencersI am delighted to be included at #3 on The Planet Compliance Top 50 RegTech Influencers list and in such esteemed company – thank you @PlanetComplianc

Please click here to see the full list.

Some more detail about how Planet Compliance compile the list:

The RegTech industry is buzzing: innovation has transformed how we use regulatory technology to deal with ever-increasing requirements and obligations from financial regulations. Who are the people though that move the sector, are the most active on social media channels, blogs and industry events? You know we love lists at PlanetCompliance, so we’ve put a list of people together we think are the key influencers in the field and know what they are talking about when it comes to RegTech. Our scoring algorithm considers the activity across the web and social media channels based on an individual’s Klout score that combines data, for example, from Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Wikipedia. The algorithm also considers other aspects like how often the individual is mentioned across the web and in the press. And, of course, there is a secret ingredient we’ve added.